Thursday, April 3, 2008

Human Shapes

Students used their bodies as line segments to make human shapes.

We are really good at making triangles!! It was the hexagons that really got us!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Math Mosaics

The students learned about mosaic art during our math lesson on area.

What a beautiful addition to our "art gallary"!

Each student gave their mosaic a title and counted the square units used.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reader's Theater

These students are doing a reader's theater called "Stone Slop" based on the original story Stone Soup.

Students worked in groups to prepare a Reader's Theater that we presented to Mrs. Brown's second grade class. It takes a lot of practice to read clearly and use voice inflection while acting out a scene at the same time. The kids did a great job!

Try My New Candy!

Willy Wonka isn't the only candy inventor around. My class did a great job coming up with some of their own candy inventions!

These are the finalist that our class voted on. Everyone did a great job!

We are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students invented their own new candy and made advertisements to try to "sell" their creation!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Morning Meeting

Morning meeting is an important part of our day. Everyone is greeted by their classmates. This helps everyone feel like a special part of our class.
Morning meeting sets the tone for a great day of learning and respect for one another.
This morning we are demonstrating how to practice spelling words with a clapping game.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

FYI or Just for Fun?

We used newspaper clippings to learn about author's purpose. Did the author want to give me some information or persuade me to buy something?
Maybe the author wrote this article just to entertain me!

Can you explain how to do a proper push-up? Will this article tell me how to grow a vegetable garden?

Eric Carle Author Study

In our Author Study of Eric Carle, students became authors and illustrators inspired by the "Picture Writer". My teammate Megan Bates and I worked together to teach this unit to both of our classes. We read a selection of Eric Carle books and discussed what characteristics make his work unique. In my class students worked to brainstorm an idea for a story using the framework of "The Very ____ ____". The students wrote rough drafts and did peer editing before completing their final drafts.

In Miss Bates' room, the students used a variety of painting techniques learned from Eric Carle in his biographical video, "Picture Writer". They first painted papers and then cut shapes to make the animal featured in their story.

The stories and illustrations make a beautiful addition to our "art gallery" in the hallway outside our rooms. The kids have really enjoyed sharing their writing and artwork with their peers